Advance Happy Valentines Day 2017 SMS for Him and Her
These we have some latest and unique collection on Valentines Day 2017 sms for him and her, we are sharing with you. Check out the Happy Valentines Day 2017 sms for him and her.
You bring so m@ny wonderful emotions
@nd excitement into my life.
Your love m@kes me feel so @live!
H@ppy V@lentine's D@y to the most
be@utiful wom@n in the world!
~Happy Valentines Day~
Valentines Day 2017 Romantic Messages
Every V@lentine's D@y
you tr@nsform yourself
from @ h@ndsome @nd c@ring m@n
into my Prince Ch@rming!
I'm the luckiest wom@n
in the whole wide world!
~Happy Valentines Day~
The V@lentine gifts @re thoughtful,
but none comp@re to the gift of love
th@t we sh@re. You're such @ rom@ntic
[ boyfriend / him ] @nd
I'm so lucky to h@ve your he@rt.
~Happy Valentines Day~
As @ little girl, I remember dre@ming
of my Prince Ch@rming @nd of how
h@ndsome he would h@ve been.
Now th@t I found you, my dre@m
h@s fin@lly come true!
~Happy Valentines Day~
Happy Valentines Day Romantic Messages for Him
Honey, from the first moment I s@w you,
I knew you were the m@n for me.
I c@n @ccomplish @nything with
you by my side; your strength inspires me.
~Happy Valentines Day~
I'm so blissfully h@ppy
to h@ve found the perfect m@n.
Just the thought of you m@kes
my he@rt r@ce @nd my knees get we@k.
I'm cr@zy @bout you!
~Happy Valentines Day~
Check Out: Valentines day week list details
You hold my h@nd & m@ke me smile..
In Time of Need..
You Go @n Xtr@ Mile..
Your Love & C@re is
The Joy of My Life..
It is Bec@use of You..
Life is More Worthwhile...
~Happy Valentines Day~
Happy Valentines Day Romantic Msgs for Her
2 things @re never
defined in whole life,
One is LOVE:
Bec@use you never know
who Loves you how much.
Second Friend:
Bec@use you never know
how deeply they c@re @bout you.
~Happy Valentines Day~
If someone truly loves you,
They wont m@ke you feel
like you h@ve to
const@ntly fight for their @ttention.
~Happy Valentines Day~
Every body loves you
When you love every body.
No one love you
If you do not love @ny one.
~Happy Valentines Day~
Valentines Day Messages for Girlfriend
Gul@b ki meh@k bhi
fiki l@gti h@i,
K@un si khushbu mujme
b@s@ g@yi ho tum,
Zindgi h@i ky@
teri ch@h@t ke siv@,
Yeh k@is@ kh@w@b A@nkho
ko dikh@ g@yi ho tum.....
~Happy Valentines Day~
Times @nd se@sons @re
ought to ch@nge. But
my love for you my beloved,
will live forever.
I will love @nd respect
you @ll my life.
~Happy Valentines Day~
These we have some latest and unique collection on Valentines Day 2017 sms for him and her, we are sharing with you. Check out the Happy Valentines Day 2017 sms for him and her.
You bring so m@ny wonderful emotions
@nd excitement into my life.
Your love m@kes me feel so @live!
H@ppy V@lentine's D@y to the most
be@utiful wom@n in the world!
~Happy Valentines Day~
Valentines Day 2017 Romantic Messages
Every V@lentine's D@y
you tr@nsform yourself
from @ h@ndsome @nd c@ring m@n
into my Prince Ch@rming!
I'm the luckiest wom@n
in the whole wide world!
~Happy Valentines Day~
The V@lentine gifts @re thoughtful,
but none comp@re to the gift of love
th@t we sh@re. You're such @ rom@ntic
[ boyfriend / him ] @nd
I'm so lucky to h@ve your he@rt.
~Happy Valentines Day~
As @ little girl, I remember dre@ming
of my Prince Ch@rming @nd of how
h@ndsome he would h@ve been.
Now th@t I found you, my dre@m
h@s fin@lly come true!
~Happy Valentines Day~
Happy Valentines Day Romantic Messages for Him
Honey, from the first moment I s@w you,
I knew you were the m@n for me.
I c@n @ccomplish @nything with
you by my side; your strength inspires me.
~Happy Valentines Day~
I'm so blissfully h@ppy
to h@ve found the perfect m@n.
Just the thought of you m@kes
my he@rt r@ce @nd my knees get we@k.
I'm cr@zy @bout you!
~Happy Valentines Day~
Check Out: Valentines day week list details
You hold my h@nd & m@ke me smile..
In Time of Need..
You Go @n Xtr@ Mile..
Your Love & C@re is
The Joy of My Life..
It is Bec@use of You..
Life is More Worthwhile...
~Happy Valentines Day~
Happy Valentines Day Romantic Msgs for Her
2 things @re never
defined in whole life,
One is LOVE:
Bec@use you never know
who Loves you how much.
Second Friend:
Bec@use you never know
how deeply they c@re @bout you.
~Happy Valentines Day~
If someone truly loves you,
They wont m@ke you feel
like you h@ve to
const@ntly fight for their @ttention.
~Happy Valentines Day~
Every body loves you
When you love every body.
No one love you
If you do not love @ny one.
~Happy Valentines Day~
Valentines Day Messages for Girlfriend
Gul@b ki meh@k bhi
fiki l@gti h@i,
K@un si khushbu mujme
b@s@ g@yi ho tum,
Zindgi h@i ky@
teri ch@h@t ke siv@,
Yeh k@is@ kh@w@b A@nkho
ko dikh@ g@yi ho tum.....
~Happy Valentines Day~
Times @nd se@sons @re
ought to ch@nge. But
my love for you my beloved,
will live forever.
I will love @nd respect
you @ll my life.
~Happy Valentines Day~
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